Introducing the Information Quality (IQ) Pod
In April 2024, BORN Ontario launched the IQ Pod, a new team dedicated to cultivating, supporting and growing a culture of data and information quality improvement at BORN. The IQ Pod is comprised of an Epidemiologist, Data Analyst and a Clinical Content Specialist for Information Quality.
While data quality is everyone’s business at BORN, the IQ Pod is available to all teams, in a consultative role, to offer input into new and evolving projects specifically from the perspective of the BORN data and information quality framework, offering a proactive approach to capturing quality data as it relates to Timeliness, Accuracy, Comparability, Relevancy and Usability.
To date the IQ Pod has been involved in the development of new data holdings such as the Pediatric Diabetes Registry (PDR), the data capture for the launch of the new Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) program for pregnant persons and infants, as well as leading a comprehensive evaluation of our recent Perinatal 2024 enhancements to the BORN Information System.