Indigenous Data Governance Principles

BORN is engaged in honouring Indigenous data principles. As a start, BORN is investing in and developing knowledge to ensure that decisions made about data pertaining to Indigenous communities at the individual and nation levels are responsive to the values and collective interests of those communities. For example, BORN’s Indigenous Wellness team is facilitating  ongoing training and providing input and support to BORN staff and other BORN agents.   This training includes how to incorporate and honor culturally safe practices and Indigenous data governance principles such as  OCAP, ITK and CARE.

The following list contains Indigenous data governance principles that resonate with and are modified to reflect and guide BORN activities. As we continue to engage and learn, these principles will be iterative to ensure they are relevant and respectful.

  1. We endeavor to maintain a wholistic perspective of all growth and development stages.
  2. We develop and implement flexible policies, processes, and services to demonstrate respect for the diversity of Nations.
  3. We acknowledge that traditional approaches to wellness, including resources, healers, medicine people, Indigenous health practitioners, Indigenous midwives, elders, and youth are recognized, respected, and protected from imposed regulations based on colonial governance.
  4. We strive to enhance complimentary healing approaches in Ontario’s health systems.
  5. We address Indigenous wellness determinants in a wholistic manner, which requires co-ordination and collaboration between Nations and other levels of government.
  6. We understand that Nations have control over their data and health/wellness planning, as well as resource management processes pertaining to their policies, programs, and services.
  7. We contribute to effective coordination of all health aspects of Indigenous birthing families.
  8. We acknowledge that overall effectiveness of health services is enhanced with Nations’ involvement in planning, consultation, delivery, and evaluation of those services.
  9. We value equitable access to a preferred birthing journey regardless of where a pregnant individual and their family lives.
  10. In our development and use of data holdings, Indigenous choice of services will be acknowledged and respected.
  11. We understand that wellness needs assessment, planning, design, development, and delivery are controlled at Nation level. Nations will define and negotiate the level of their participation within the governance model(s) available to their Nations.
  12. Given our use of data to facilitate and improve care, we recognize that accountability requires evaluation of the work and sharing findings and outcomes of that evaluation through reports to Nations and government
  13. We value the interrelationships between environment, individuals, families, and Nations, and recognize that protection of environment is essential for accountability and assessment of wellness for all Ontario.
  14. In our governance, we recognize that Nations are distinct and that our efforts to promote equity in health and health outcomes for diverse groups are aligned with yet separate from our Indigenous data governance.
  15. As we undertake Indigenous data activities, we understand regular and joint review and evaluation will continue to build a collaborative relationship and ensure our activities are meeting Nation-based needs.


Other Resources

BORN Engagement with Indigenous Stakeholders: 2012-2013 

BORN Land Acknowledgement